Breaking New Ground in the Premier Gangnam Remodeling Market of South Korea
POSCO E&C is the unrivaled leader in the South Korean remodeling sector!
Leveraging specialized remodeling expertise, exceptional project management abilities, and the unrivaled power of 'The Sharp' brand, POSCO E&C has raised the bar for residential value enhancement with 'The Sharp Trier' project in Gaepo.

POSCO E&C's first fully executed domestic remodeling project, The Sharp Trier in Gaepo, is a beacon of the firm's proprietary breakthrough technologies. These are purpose-built for remodeling projects and include innovative methods, such as the steel-frame top-down approach and the slab support Double Beam System (DBS) utilizing steel.

Most antiquated residential developments either have ground-level parking or, if underground parking exists, it is not directly connected to the residential units. POSCO E&C addresses this by introducing or expanding underground parking facilities through the remodeling process. These facilities are linked directly with residential units, significantly enhancing the convenience for occupants.
* The Sharp Trier in Gaepo: Parking capacity per residential unit has been increased considerably, from 0.5 to 1.3 spaces.
POSCO E&C has streamlined the construction timeline by employing a highly efficient construction plan utilizing the 'top-down' approach. This method departs from the traditional sequence of first completing all underground frameworks. Instead, it constructs underground and ground-level structures concurrently, building upward from the first floor.
This 'top-down construction' approach mitigates the impact of noise and dust from underground construction on the complex. Additionally, it maximizes the use of limited construction site space by utilizing the first-floor slab as an office or workspace.

Notably, POSCO E&C has developed and patented the 'Steel 3-UP Top-down Method'. This method reduces construction time for the frameworks of the non-core section - the areas not connected to the core components of the apartment structure, such as the elevator and stairwell, and the underground levels. By integrating steel structures within the core section, the construction of aboveground frameworks for both sections occurs concurrently. This pioneering technique was initially applied and subsequently integrated into the remodeling of 'The Sharp Trier' in Gaepo.

During the remodeling process, the establishment of an underground parking space often presents a safety challenge due to the complication of differing soil pressure on the sides of neighboring apartment buildings. Acknowledging these potential hurdles, POSCO E&C has implemented the innovative use of steel pillars in the construction of parking spaces, which provide a robust barrier against soil pressure while also safeguarding the well-being of construction workers.

Remodeling work aims to enhance living conditions by broadening the residential space, either through horizontal, vertical, or separate building expansions. With each expansion, it is essential to carry out proper reinforcement work on the floors and walls. POSCO E&C applies a variety of proven techniques depending on the type of extension, including matching new and existing slab reinforcements, wall reinforcements, and seismic design reinforcements, all of which maintain the highest standards of structural safety.

POSCO E&C's patented slab joint technology is a prime example of innovative construction. It increases the safety of joining new slabs by drilling into the existing slab, placing steel bars inside, and creating saw-tooth-shaped grooves. By attaching a connector fabricated from POSCO's steel plates on the existing slab, we can integrate it seamlessly with the new structural floor.

In the Gaepo The Sharp Trier project, POSCO E&C employed the premium steel material 'PosMAC' from POSCO for the construction of exterior curtain walls. This strategic utilization not only adds durability but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of the complex.

Furthermore, POSCO E&C has numerous certified remodeling technologies that meet the highest safety standards. Considering most remodeling projects are in densely populated urban areas, the company fervently implements a 'Multi Environmental Management System’ to facilitate the construction of environmentally-friendly sites, thereby minimizing the impact on the surrounding environment.