18New Excellent
Technology(NET) -
4Green technology
New Excellent Construction Technology
915Self-standing retaining wall technique for soft ground using two-row soil cement walls integrated with an internal partition wall and a manual partition wall (BSCW technique)
2021-01-06 -
New Excellent Construction Technology
893The Concrete Filled Tube Flange Built Up H-Beam System (TH Beam System)
2020-07-29 -
New Excellent Construction Technology
881Deck plate technique for formwork that enables long span using double-rib corrugated steel plate and inverted triangular lattice girder (D-Deck technique)
2020-02-01 -
New Excellent Construction Technology
868Construction method for rectangular concrete filled steel tube column and reinforced concrete wide girder connection using an L-shaped composite anchor
2019-07-12 -
New Excellent Construction Technology
861Technique for pre-stressed concrete I-shaped girder with detachable end section to which dual-tendon system is applied using a bundle of high-strength un-bonded steel strands (Roly Poly girder technique)
2019-03-14 -
New Excellent Construction Technology
859Near surface top-down construction method to assemble pre-cast walls and slabs concurrently with excavation
2019-02-01 -
New Excellent Construction Technology
843Technique for box-type semi-slim floor composite girder to which inverted U-shaped top plate and winged U-shaped bottom plate are welded (AU composite girder technique)
2018-08-01 -
New Excellent Transportation Technology
13Embedded Rail track system using continuous pad(PURailstrip) and rail anchoring resin(Polycork)
2013-01-11 -
New Excellent Construction Technology
830Temporary ground anchoring technique for soft ground with anchoring body formed through PC steel wire assembly installation inside the expanded soil cement grout mixture and cement grouting at the center (hotdog anchor technique)
2017-11-13 -
New Excellent Construction Technology
827Bridge surface pavement technique using hybrid cellular spray concrete manufactured on site using ready-mixed concrete (Cell-Con)
2017-09-05 -
New Excellent Construction Technology
816Technique to improve soft ground for low-load building structure by soil cement mixture with variable cross-section using binders
2017-06-01 -
New Excellent Construction Technology
795A tunnel-type soundproof facility using pipe truss beams, laterally detachable soundproof plates, and vertical sound absorptive structures (PosLST Method)
2016-09-12 -
New Excellent Construction Technology
792Technique for metal spraying on steel structures using high-frequency arc metal spray and variable metal spray gun (HMS technique)
2016-06-27 -
New Excellent Construction Technology
758Technique for structure supporting floating solar power generation module in the inland waters using FRP-unit frame structure
2015-01-20 -
New Excellent Construction Technology
779Technology for applying flooring material to food preparation and storage facilities using floor hardening high-permeability primer (HPP), resin, and particulate materials eco-friendly composition (ECR)
2015-12-07 -
New Excellent Construction Technology
737Anchoring technique for rock using anchor that expands in two stages
2014-07-29 -
New Excellent Construction Technology
736Pre-cast concrete beam-column connection and construction method for structural integration using non-prestressed wire strands
2014-07-25 -
New Excellent Construction Technology
734Root-barrier and water-proofing technique for afforestation on artificial ground greening by using modified crystalline polymer single-layered composite
2014-06-26 -
New Excellent Construction Technology
652Removal-type ground anchoring technique for soft ground using expendable wings
2012-04-26 -
New Excellent Construction Technology
646Technology for the steel composite girder that combines longitudinal arch-shaped concrete on the inner surface of an U-shaped open box with the top of the I-shaped cross section
2012-03-09 -
New Excellent Construction Technology
628Two-way void slab using panel-type lightweight units