Main Indicators (as of the end of each year)

General provisions
POSCO E&C Ltd. discloses the following privacy policy to protect the personal information of data subjects and handle related complaints quickly and efficiently according to Article 30 of the 『Personal Information Protection Act』. This policy stipulates how the personal information you provide is used, what it is used for, and what measures are taken to protect it.
* This policy has been revised on 2023.01.31.
- revised content : Enactment of Privacy Policy
Consent to collection of personal information
POSCO E&C prepared a procedure for clicking the 「Agree」 button with regard to the terms and conditions of the POSCO E&C Official Website (https:// If you click the 「Agree」button, you will be deemed to have consented to collection of personal information.
- This service (site) does not collect the personal information of children under 14, or post or provide information harmful to children on the website.
Purposes of collecting and using personal information
The POSCO E&C Official Website collects only the minimum personal information necessary for using the service.
Personal information will not be used for purposes other than the following, and if the purposes of using personal information are changed, necessary measures, e.g. obtaining a separate consent, will be taken according to Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
To use the services of the POSCO E&C Official Website, you must enter following information when submitting inquiry.
- Employment Inquiry : Name, E-mail.
- Business Inquiry : Name, E-mail.
The specific purposes of collecting and using each personal information item are as follows:
- Name, E-mail : Communication Purposes(Q&A)
Period of retaining and utilizing personal information
The retention period of the personal information collected in the the POSCO E&C Official Website will be retained for 3 year and will be destroyed after answering.
The POSCO E&C Official Website destroys your personal information beyond recovery (if personal information was provided to a third party, the third party will also be instructed to destroy it). In any of the following events, however, personal information will be retained for the specified period.
· ① If it is necessary to retain personal information according to laws, such as the Commercial Act, the transaction details and the minimum basic information will be retained for the retention period set forth in the laws
· ② The retention period will be notified to reporter in advance, and if the retention period has not expired, and the consent of individual members was obtained, personal information will be retained for the promised retention period.
Out-of-purpose use and provision to a third party
In principle, the POSCO E&C Official Website will process the personal information of data subjects within the scope specified as the collection and use purposes, and except for the following events, personal information will not be processed or provided to a third party beyond the original purposes without the prior consent of data subjects.
· ① if separate consent is obtained from data subjects
· ② if there are special provisions in laws
Consignment of personal information
· ① The POSCO E&C Official Website is outsourcing personal information management for efficient personal information management as follows:
Outsourcee | Description of outsourced jobs | Period of retaing and utilizing personal information |
POSCO ICT | Service operations | Personal Information is destroyed without exception when Purposes of collecting personal information are achieved. |
· ② When the outsourcing contract is concluded, the POSCO E&C Official Website stipulates matters concerning responsibility, e.g. prohibition of processing personal information for purposes other than performing the outsourced jobs, technical and administrative protection measures, limitation of re-outsourcing, management and supervision of outsourcees, compensation for damages, etc. in documents like contracts, and supervises whether the outsourcee is safely processing personal information according to Article 25 of the Personal Information Protection Act.
· ③ If outsourced jobs or outsourcees are changed, we will immediately disclose the information through this privacy policy.
Technical measures to protect personal information
When handling personal information, the POSCO E&C Official Website has the following technical measures to ensure safety in processing your personal information so that it is not lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged
· ① Your personal information will be protected by a password, and important data will be protected by using separate security functions, such as encrypting files and transmission data or using the lock function.
· ② The POSCO E&C Official Website is using vaccine programs to prevent damages due to computer viruses. Vaccine program is periodically updated, and if a virus appears suddenly, we will provide a vaccine as soon as it becomes available to prevent infringement of personal information.
· ③ The POSCO E&C Official Website has a security device (SSL or SET) that can use the encryption algorithm to safely transmit personal information on the network.
· ④ To prevent your personal information from being leaked due to hacking, etc., we are using a device that prevents intrusion from the outside, and installed the intrusion detection system in each server for 24-hour monitoring of intrusion.
Using cookies to collect personal information
The POSCO E&C Official Website operates 'cookies' that save and find your personal information frequently. Your personal information, which the POSCO E&C Partner Portal website collects through cookies, will be limited to (ID, page views, etc.), and no other information will be collected. This information will be used for the following purposes:
We analyze the access frequency, view page and visit duration of POSCO E&C Official Website visitors, and use them as a yardstick for improving website services.
You have options with regard to cookies. You can allow all cookies by selecting [Tool] > [Internet options] > [Security] > [User-defined level] in the web browser, or confirm every time a cookie is saved, or refuse to save any cookie.
Chief Privacy Officer, listening to opinions/handling complaints
To protect your personal information and handle related complaints, the POSCO E&C Official Website is administered by personal information manager, and provides a channel for leaving your opinions and complaints about privacy policy. If you have any question or complaint with regard to your personal information, please contact the personal information manager below. We will take necessary measures, and notify the result to you immediately.
Description | Chief Privacy Officer | Personal information manager |
Name | Kyeung-Won, Kim | Jae-wook, Jung |
Department | Promotion Group | Promotion Group |
Tel. / | 032)748-2182 / | 032)748-2631/ |
You may contact the following agencies to seek relief actions to infringement of personal information and ask questions.
* The following agencies are independent from the Company. Please contact them if you are not satisfied with the company's handling of your complaints or the result of relief actions, or need help or more detailed information.
National Police Agency Cyber Bureau
phone: (without exchange number) 182
High-Tech Crime Investigation Division, Supreme Prosecutors' Office
phone: 02-3480-3573
Privacy Complaint Center (operated by Korea Internet and Security Agency)
functions: receiving reports or requests for counseling on infringement of personal information
phone: (without exchange number) 118
address: (58324) Privacy Complaint Center, 3F, Jinheung-gil 9, Naju, Jeollanam-do(Bitgaram-dong 301-2)
Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee
functions: receiving requests for mediation of disputes related to personal information or collective disputes (civil settlement)
phone: (without exchange number) 1833-6972
address: (03171) 4F, Government Complex-Seoul, 209, Sejong-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul
Matters concerning destruction of personal information
If personal information is no more necessary due to its retention period expiration, or the accomplishment of purposes of processing personal information, the company will immediately destroy the personal information.
The procedure and method of destroying personal information are as follows:
· 1. Destruction procedure: Unnecessary personal information and personal information files are handled as follows according to the internal guideline. Destruction of personal information: We destroy personal information immediately when the retention period expires.
· 2. Destruction method: We destroy information in the form of electronic files beyond recovery, and shred or incinerate personal information printed on paper.
Obligation to notify policy changes
This privacy policy was established on Jan. 31, 2023, and if it has any addition/erasure or modification due to changes in laws/policies or security technology, we will post notices about the reason for change and details on our website at least 10 days prior to enforcement of the revised privacy policy.
· - Privacy policy version number: v1.00
· - Privacy policy enforcement date: 2023-01-31
· - Last revision date of the privacy policy: 2023-01-31
Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this Policy is to fulfill appropriate duties and comply with applicable laws by setting matters POSCO E&C Ltd. (the “Company”) must comply with in relation to the installation and operation of closed-circuit televisions and protection of footages.
Article 2 (Definitions)
The terms used in this Policy shall be defined as follows:
Article 3 (Scope of Application)
Article 4 (Protection of Footages)
Article 5 (Notification of Installation Plans, etc.)
In the event of installing a CCTV, the Company shall prepare a CCTV installation and operation plan (“Plan”) that includes the following items:
Article 6 (Designation of CCTV Managers)
Article 7 (Installation of Caution Signs)
Article 8 (Limitation on Collection)
Article 9 (Limitation on Processing)
Footages of a data subject may not be used for other purposes than the CCTV installation purpose or be granted access or provided to a person who has no access authority: Provided, That this shall not apply in any of the following circumstances:
Article 10 (Safeguards, etc.)
Article 11 (Request for Access, etc.)
Article 12 (Retention and Deletion)
Footages collected through CCTVs shall be deleted without delay once the data retention period mentioned in the Plan expires: Provided, That when it is difficult to determine the minimum period of time required to achieve the purpose of data retention due to the nature of a division, the retention period shall be within thirty (30) days after the collection of footages.
Article 13 (Consignment of Duties)
Article 14 (Confidentiality)
Those who handle or have handled footages shall not use the obtained data for inappropriate purposes, such as revealing, processing without authority, and/or providing for the use of another person.
Article 15 (Exclusion)
This Policy shall not be applied to CCTVs installed and operated to supervise the duties of individuals who are with the military regardless of their duties.