POSCO E&C complies with fair and transparent transactions that meet the market competition.

"Our company will continue to make efforts to establish a fair and transparent corporate culture."

I am Young-kyun Kwon, a Fair Trade Compliance Officer who is responsible for operating our company's Compliance Program (CP).

The Fair Trade Compliance Program is run by the company itself with a willingness to actively comply with the law for fair competition.

Since the introduction of the Fair Trade Compliance Program in July 2003 to strengthen ethical management and establish a fair trade culture, our company has been taking the lead in compliance activities by thoroughly complying with fair trade laws and regulations.

With these efforts, our company has solidified its status as a compliance model company by acquiring the best (AAA) grade in the Fair Trade Commission's CP grade evaluation for the first time in the construction industry in 2023.

Fair trade is a key part of ESG management, and it is also a requirement of today's times that companies must actively participate in solving social problems.

In the future, our company will continue to actively carry out self-compliance activities for fair trade, expanding the value of coexistence and symbiosis, and contributing to the realization of a better society.

Thank you.

Fair Trade Compliance Officer,
Young-kyun Kwon


Fair Trade Compliance Program (CP)
(CP, Compliance Program)

It is an internal law-abiding system that is autonomously established and operated by a company in order to prevent the violation of the Fair Trade Act. It includes the willingness of CEO to practice, the director who manages the operation of the program, the surveillance system for violations, education/training, compliance guidebook, sanctions on those who breach the law, document management, etc.

Requirements for CP Introduction

CP is a program that is voluntarily operated by a corporation. It can be run differently according to type of business and company’s characteristic.
However, in order for CP to be operated effectively, the company must satisfy eight introduction requirements below.

  • 02 Willingness and support of CEO for compliance
  • 01 Preparation and practice of CP criteria and process
  • 04 Publication and usage of compliance guidebook
  • 03 Appointment of compliance director to take charge of the operation of CP
  • 06 Building the internal surveillance system
  • 05 Implementation of continuous and systematic compliance education and training
  • 08 Evaluation of effectiveness and improvement measures
  • 07 Sanctions on executives and staff members who breach the law related to fair trade

CP Ratings Evaluation System

It is a system through which the level of CP operation of each company is objectively evaluated considering its CP operation performance. Each company is given a rating which is made public, and receives differentiated incentives accordingly. The evaluation is done by the Korea Fair Trade Mediation Agency and the final ratings announcement is made by the Fair Trade Commission.

CP Ratings Evaluation System

Grounds for evaluation Regulations on Fair Trade CP Operation and Offering Incentives (Fair Trade Commission Notice No. 2013-3)
Evaluation target A company that has applied for evaluation at least one year after the introduction of CP
A company which has violated the law related to fair trade within the last two years gets a downgraded rating at the final decision of the CP ratings
Evaluation items Comprehensive evaluation of willingness and plan of CEO for compliance, executives’ support of human resources and budgets including the appointment of compliance director to take charge of the operation of CP, publication and usage of compliance guidebook, CP education and training, prior monitoring system for compliance, operation of personnel sanction and incentive system, and evaluation and improvement of CP operation (A total of seven items, 22 evaluation index, 66 detailed measurement index)
Ratings Six ratings (AAA, AA, A, B, C and D) from AAA (the highest) to D (the lowest)
※ Each rating is valid for two years from the issuance.

CP Operation

In case where a company that practically operates CP involuntarily breaches the Fair Trade Act, the sanctions, such as announcement in newspaper and ex officio investigation, can be mitigated according to the results of introduction of CP and ratings.

CP Operation

CP Ratings AAA AA A
Exemption from ex officio investigation 2 years 1 year and a half 1 year
Downward adjustment of announcement order Exemption from announcement Mitigation Mitigation
Commendation from the Chairperson of Fair Trade Commission A company with a rating higher than AA for two consecutive years or longer -
* Law about the subject of exemption from ex officio investigation Law related to consumer protection (Act on Fair Labeling and Advertising, Act on Door-to-Door Sales, Etc., Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc., Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, and Installment Transactions Act), other public notice (newspaper notice) violations (refer to Fair Trade Commission’s Regulations on Fair Trade CP Operation), Article 23 (Prohibition of Unfair Trade Practices) of the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act

Compliance Council

It deliberates important matters of CP and takes the role of the consultant for the compliance director. Each member inquires into violation of law and coordinates affairs between departments.

자율준수협의회 자율준수협의회
˙ A regular meeting is held biannually and a temporary meeting can take place if necessary.
˙ Each member selects a leader for implementing fair trade, manage them, and make the practical operation of the compliance council feasible (leaders for implementing fair trade practically backs up the compliance activities of the members of the compliance council).

CP Operation Results

Since the introduction of CP in July 2003, POSCO E&C has been an exemplary company to operate the program as a leader of fair trade order.

CP operation results
June 2021 10th revision of Fair Trade CP guidebook
September 2020 Awarded the Prize of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (category: win-win development)
June 2020​ Acquired the "most excellent" rating from the evaluation of execution of fair trade convention
March 2020​ Enactment of standard purchasing specifications in all fields​
December 2019​ Awarded the Prize of the Fair Trade Commission (category: establishment of fair trade order)
December 2019 Awarded the Prize of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (category: win-win management)
June 2019 Acquired "excellent" rating from the evaluation of execution of fair trade convention​
April 2019​ Introduction of standard supplier agreement to all fields​
January 2011 Acquired "AA" rating from the CP evaluation (best ratings among current evaluated companies)​
February 2010​ Establishment of a fair trade compliance inspection system​
April 2009​ Acquired "A" rating from the evaluation of execution of fair trade convention in subcontract​
December 2006​ Acquisition of Grade "A” in Compliance Program evaluation​
April 2005​ Establishment of a dedicated organization for fair trade (Ethics Practice Bureau)
July 2003 Introduction and operation of fair trade CP

Results by Pursuit of Requirements for CP Introduction

Results by Pursuit of Requirements for CP Introduction

Requirements of introduction Results
1. Preparation and practice of CP criteria and process
  • Enactment of regulations for operating CP (July 2003)
  • Enactment of guidelines for operating CP (February 2020)
2. Willingness and support of CEO for compliance
  • Universal announcement of compliance willingness of CEO (July 2003)
  • Notification of compliance with fair trade in the CEO Message on the website (permanent)
  • CEO’s message and executives and staff members’ pledge for fair trade compliance (every year)
  • Establishment of an organization dedicated to fair trade (April 2005)
3. Appointment of compliance director to take charge of the operation of CP
  • Appointment of compliance director through decision of the board of directors (at the point of replacement of permanent inspector)
4. Publication and usage of compliance guidebook
  • Publication of compliance guidebook (June 2008)
  • Seven times revision of compliance guidebook (April 2010–October 2018)
  • Publication of handbook about the subcontract law (July 2015)
  • Republication of compliance guidebook (reflecting the characteristics of the construction industry) (June 2020)
  • Revision of compliance guidebook (December 2020, June 2021)
5. Executing continuous and systematic compliance education and training
  • Education for each group, including executives, persons in high position, and regular employees (permanent)
  • Customized education for new employees, transferred employees, pre-education of PMs (permanent)
  • Selected education for fields and high-risk staff department (permanent)
  • Various programs including collective education, video education, fair trade report, and notice on the bulletin board (permanent)
6. Building an internal surveillance system
  • Operation of compliance council led by the compliance director (permanent)
  • Operation of consultation institutions including RM meetings, business council, and board of directors (permanent)
  • Operation of fair trade monitoring system (permanent)
  • Operation of report/consultation center for unfair trade, immorality, power-overusing, etc.
7. Sanctions on executives and staff members who breach the law related to fair trade
  • Personnel transfer of executives and staff members who breaches the law related to fair trade (permanent)
  • Rewarding the excellent employees in fair trade (every year)
8. Evaluation of effectiveness and improvement measures
  • Various monitoring/inspections including fields, system, planning, and complaints (permanent)
  • Evaluation of CP operation effectiveness (biannually)
  • Development and operation of various systems including document issuance, monitoring, and abnormal symptom discovering

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