The Hanoi Metropolitan City Master Plan is aimed at transforming Hanoi into an international metropolis.
This is a plan to develop Hanoi, which currently spans an area of 921 km2 in area and has 3.4 million population, into Hanoi Metropolitan City of 3,300 km2 in area and 10 million population by 2025.
It comprehensively covers the construction of housing and office buildings as well as all necessary infrastructure required for a new city, such as roads, waterworks and sewage system, together with power supply system, river environment improvement, and railway.
POSCO E&C successfully completed the master plan design to create the new Hanoi Metropolitan City with an area that is five times bigger than that of Seoul. It will become an ecological city that preserves the natural environment and also an eco-friendly city by setting greenbelts to prevent unsustainable development.